Pavel Bazant Projectional Spreadsheet Demo

- thanks to Aria Minaei for the intro & Dan Cook for inviting Pavel to the Future of Coding Slack
- excel but not based on a grid but general graph-like structure
- 60% is a spreadsheet: structured document with formulas
- building a tool for physicists
- who should use something like spreadsheet
- but instead use python for power
- removing the limitations of excel that prevent me from using it to analyze data
- hierarchical cell model
- direct manipulation keyboard and mouse for adding and deleting cells
- position of the cursor (and other data) is “reified” in document (reactive values)
- can hide or show fomulas
- escape hatch to svg (but maybe one day will make it inspectable)
- true/false boolean that changes on clicking on it
- trying to see how far he can go with this model
- design principle: never use text for anything, no parsing at all
- can we see you create a formula?
- press = makes null formula
- strings evaluate to themselves
- lisp-like structured editor
- what’s up with the colored blocks?
- they are references to specific cells
- kinda a cool idea instead of hazel’s numbered holes (but you can also give string names)
- jupyter notebook is far from excel because the kernal is a ball of hidden state
- oberserablehq is the direct solution to this
- first-class links
- wormhole to original thing
- two most important things
- everything has a uuid
- links are stable when things are moved around or renamed
- difference between structural and projectional editing: whether its rich data underneath or just a way to write text without syntax errors
- he didn’t show macros or formula networks
- the system can create fragments of itself, including formulas that create formulas
- do you have a series of benchmarks that will keep pushing forward your development?
- is the goal of the project that real physicists use it? compete with jupyter notebook and python?
- how are you planning to solve all the imperative things (IO Monad?)
- what will the architecture be for FRP for large, complex apps, particularly with modularity in mind?
- can buttons or other elements emit scoped data about themselves?
- answer: going with a global approach, and have things be self-healing
- you can also refer to things relatively in the tree hierarchy
- how are you planning on having users learning the keyboard commands?
Things it reminds me of
- flowsheets
- pane
- lamdu, isomorf, luna lang
- forms/3
- some eve prototypes
- observablehq
- original conal stuff is frp but also about the physics problem of a bouncing ball
- first-class links reminds me of JE’s managed copy and paste
- mariano guerra’s Instadeq