part time master in cognitive science at UCL
replication crisis in softer sciences in last decade or so, lsat 40-50 years, subtle effects of statistics. TODO 7 deadly sins of psychology
check out for better system than github pages. has some neat ideas, but feels like it needs to be unified more
in order to understand query, datalog, read about logicblox, like
currently being paid to work 3 days a week to work on whatever I feel like… supported by logicblox. got them by first building a query compiler first and then showing it around. then the first company that he went to, logicblox, said yes. he was prepared to go around to multiple companies but the first said yes. He mostly talked with the CEO, but he just quit so now the CEO is supporting Jaime personally. Maybe Jaime would start a company with him when he’s ready, after his vacation. This is exciting to Jaime because they had been successful in the past, from an execution perspective. They had a buisiness that got money and shipped tech.
TODO send Jaime Paul Biggar Dark stuff
TODO think about what it would look like to have a branch structure where it encourages you to create smaller and smaller features and merge them early
Next few weeks for him: trying to keep things small and self contained so he can actually accomplish things. Could be a good platform for keeping track of what paper you’ve read, want to read, notes you’ve taken on. Part-database and part-wiki.
TODO think about the recurring reminders I want to think about and make sure I check regularly
software knowledge transfer of best practices doesn’t happen as much (like me seeing Jaime’s journal) in the same way as you would if you were a mathmatician and could watch a peer do a proof
TODO add Jaime to slack group