Episode 2 - Research Recap
Episode References
- 1:17 scratch is baby-ish - https://medium.freecodecamp.com/scratch-has-a-marketing-problem-f84626bd18ef
- 1:30 scratch is amazing - https://medium.com/@stevekrouse/6-reasons-mits-scratch-is-better-than-you-think-104b63f1d41
- 1:43 types are shapes - https://medium.com/@stevekrouse/types-are-shapes-d6af1e83192f
- 7:30 begin recapping cycle v1 - https://medium.com/@stevekrouse/rose-983dc5e0908f
- 7:58 blockly - https://developers.google.com/blockly/
- 8:10 scratch 3.0 fork of blockly - https://github.com/LLK/scratch-blocks#introduction
- 9:10 jquery - https://jquery.com/
- 9:34 links in the documentation for cycle v1 - http://cycle.thecodingspace.com
- 11:45 code.org app lab - https://code.org/educate/applab
- 12:19 pencil code- http://pencilcode.net/
- 12:23 droplet - https://github.com/PencilCode/droplet
- 12:45 The coding space - thecodingspace.com
- 13:00 WoofJS - woofjs.com
- 13:15 Cycle v2 - http://stevekrouse.com/cycle/
- 13:20 VueJS - vuejs.org
- 13:45 ReactJS - https://facebook.github.io/react/
- 14:00 differences between vue and react - https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/comparison.html#React
- 15:45 Todomvc.com - http://todomvc.com/
- 16:24 todomvc in cycle v2 - http://stevekrouse.com/cycle/index.html#todo-mvc/2
- 17:26 links to cycle v2 - http://stevekrouse.com/cycle/user.html#qfIHIX5tGQethjCoUtiDkqIYqEM2
- 18:42 virtual-dom - https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom
- 21:40 Prune - https://www.facebook.com/notes/kent-beck/prune-a-code-editor-that-is-not-a-text-editor/1012061842160013/
- 22:04 projectional editor - https://martinfowler.com/bliki/ProjectionalEditing.html
- 22:25 AST - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree
- 23:45 demo with text <–> semantic editor - http://stevekrouse.com/rose/demo.html
- 28:00 doing research into other products - http://futureofcoding.org/links
- 29:24 Paul Chuisano and Unison - http://unisonweb.org/
- 30:54 Elm - http://elm-lang.org/
- 31:00 Haskell - https://www.haskell.org/
- 31:15 Elm IDEs - https://ellie-app.com/new
- 31:30 elm no runtime errors - https://guide.elm-lang.org/error_handling/
- 31:42 Elm user friendly type errors - http://elm-lang.org/blog/compiler-errors-for-humans
- 32:06 CycleJS - https://github.com/cyclejs/cyclejs
- 32:11 Andre Staltz, reactive interfaces - https://staltz.com/unidirectional-user-interface-architectures.html
- 32:45 CycleJS and Elm are similar - https://staltz.com/some-problems-with-react-redux.html
- 33:00 Streams in Cycle - https://cycle.js.org/streams.html
- 33:49 Eve, Chris Granger - witheve.com
- 35:05 Projectional Unison structured editor - https://pchiusano.github.io/2015-03-17/unison-update5.html
- 36:22 broad and exciting vision for unison - https://pchiusano.github.io/2013-05-22/future-of-software.html
- 37:30 search engine in 20 lines of code - http://unisonweb.org/2016-10-12/search.html#post-start
- 39:45 Lamdu - https://github.com/lamdu/lamdu
- 39:49 Luna - http://luna-lang.org
- 40:50 list of links, google doc - http://futureofcoding.org/links
- 41:15 let me know about other products here to research @stevekrouse - https://twitter.com/stevekrouse
- 41:40 woofjs - https://medium.com/@stevekrouse/woof-d9adf2110fc6
- 41:49 learnable programming - worrydream.com/LearnableProgramming/
- 44:07 kids learning html, css, js - http://coding.space/web
- 45:37 building games directly on the HTML 5 canvas - http://s2js.com/
- 46:28 http://woofjs.com
- 46:46 google docs style coding in Woof - https://medium.com/@stevekrouse/learn-to-code-in-two-player-mode-e1dfa7710c0f